Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday ~ Creative Writing 101

Top 10 Tuesday is a weekly bookish feature hosted by 

Today's Topic: Creative Writing 101

Hi Everyone! 

I am very excited about this Top-Ten Tuesday topic because it allows you to pick a book theme to teach to a class. My theme for this class would have to be creative writing. I love an author that can blow my mind and get me to question everything I just read. I love it when they can blow me away with their details in their setting and make me feel like I am standing right next to these characters. I like an author that can write a sentence that changes my perspective. I love it when writing is so beautiful it makes me want to remember that quote forever. Creative writing can look very different and I love writing with originality and beauty.

Here are some of books that I would definitely discuss in my creative writing class! 

Brandon writes with such importance. You feel like you are reading something very important and so much bigger than yourself and the characters. I love his world building and I think he is in the king of blowing your mind. He is a genius. 

"There is always another secret."

Renee did an amazing job creating this beautiful book. She is a debut author! She writes with such great intensity. I love all the details in this beautiful world.

"When she wound her fingers in his hair to draw her body against his, he stilled for breath, and she knew, as he knew, that they were lost. Lost forever. In this kiss. This kiss that would change everything."

This is one of my all-time favorite books. It is crafted so beautifully and her writing is amazing. It makes you laugh. It make you cry. It makes you want to go places and see new things. It changes your outlook about mental disorders. Just read it. It's amazing!!

"When we're in the act of wandering, we need to be present, not watching it through the lens."

"You are all the colors in one, at full brightness."

If you have read any of my TTT it probably has this book listed. Laini has such a whimsical writing style. She is amazing at world building and creating such creative and unique characters. 

"Hope can be a powerful force. Maybe there's no actual magic in it, but when you know what you hope for most and hold it like a light within you, you can make things happen, almost like magic."

I loved the first two books in the series.They were fantastic, but this one was INCREDIBLE! It is amazing to see authors grow and start to expand their world and their characters. She became one of my favorites after reading this book. This story went from great to epic! I can't get enough of this world and the characters. I am so invested into this story. 

"It would not take a monster to destroy a monster- but light, light to drive out the darkness." 

This book has such a unique writing style. You are either going to love it or hate it. I LOVE it! The writing is so suspenseful, unique and lyrical.

Rainbow's writing is flawless. It is so perfectly simple and so impactful. I think her writing is so soulful and I just love it!

"I choose you over everyone."

The Enchanted is such a unique and poetically written story. It takes places in a prison that is also enchanted. It is amazing how an author can take something so sad and horrific and make it beautiful. I loved this one, especially the ending. 

"Your worst dungeon might be the room with the most windows."

I could not talk about creative writing without mentioning this amazing book. If you want a book with powerful characters, impactful messages or you just want to cry your eyes out, this book is for you. It is my favorite book. I love it all. It is not a fast story. It is extremely slow and beautiful. The narrator of the book is death. I have never read any book with a more unique narrator. 

"I have to say that although it broke my heart, I was, and still am, glad I was there."

This book has a very unique writing style. I was not sold on the writing style in the beginning of the book. But, it stole my heart and this book would not be the same without this lyrical writing. The connections that are created in this book are so amazing. Love It!

"His soul might be the sun. I've never met anyone who had the sun for a soul."

Who do you think has the most amazing writing?

 It was hard to even narrow this down to a top ten. 

I would love to hear who are your favorite creative writers!

Happy Reading!! 


  1. So happy to see the inclusion of Mistborn and ADOSAB in this! Fantastic picks and list!

    Aentee of Read at Midnight.

    1. I have only read the first three books in the Mistborn series. I need to read the next one. I am excited to see what is going to happen next! :)

  2. Yes love this idea for a class and so many good books!! Totally agree with I'll Give You the Sun - such amazing writing. Great list!

    1. Thanks! :) I need to read The Sky is Everywhere now!! Craving that amazing writing!

  3. Great picks! I love your comments on each title, too. I now need to add all of the titles I haven't yet read to my TBR!

    1. Thanks! :) These books are all so awesome! I hope you enjoy them as much as I did! :)

  4. Fantastic list!
    I love your reasons and the quotes are fantastic.
    It also makes me want to pick up every single book on your list, no matter if i already read them or not. So maybe you really should write syllabi ;)

    1. Thanks! :) These are all my favorites! I could read them over and over again too! :)

  5. The Book Thief is one of my favourite books ever. I love the Throne of Glass series but Heir of Fire is definitely my favourite. I have a feeling the rest of the series is going to be epic! Daughter of Smoke and Bone is one that's on my TBR.
    My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2015/08/25/top-ten-tuesday-19/

    1. It sounds like we love a lot of the same books! Book Thief and Heir of Fire are the best of the best. :) You will love Daughter of Smoke and Bones and series just gets better and better. I hope you get to it soon. :)

  6. THESE ARE ALL FANTASTIC. i love the mistborn trilogy; brandon sanderson's creative world building is truly phenomenal. the wrath and the dawn is also one of my favorite reads of this year. i agree that there are a lot of details in renee's writing style. (i cannot wait for the next book!) heir of fire truly impressed me and i believe is the best of sarah j. maas's work! all the bright places made me cry large fat tears. and the book thief! and fangirl! GAH. this is a fabulous list!! <333 xxx alexandra @ twirlingpages (http://twirlingpages.com)

    1. Yes! It sounds like we speak the same book language! :) These are all on my favorites list. I am dying to read Queen of Shadows. I am actually going to meet Sarah J Maas for a book signing and I am so excited! :)

  7. Love your take on this week's TTT theme, Theresa! (I didn't have time for TTT this week... sob!) I had The Wrath and the Dawn from the library last month but didn't get a chance to read it before it was due back. I need to put my name on the list again and read that one! I so agree about Rainbow Rowell's writing! Love her writing style so much. It just flows perfectly. And I have *got* to readthe Daughter of Smoke and Bone trilogy SOON! I hear nothing but awesome things about it.

    Tanya @ Girl Plus Books

    1. Thanks! I barely got this one up! :) I actually did it on Tuesday! Yes! You need to get on the list for The Wrath and the Dawn. It is an incredible book. I hope you like it as much as I did. The characters are so intense and intriguing. Daughter of Smoke and Bone is everything! You need to get to it! :)

  8. OHMYGOD you have basically taken all f my favourite books and put them on one list. I mean, Laini Taylor would be an AMAZING example of creative writing - how does her brain even exist?? Her imagination is so awesome it might explode at any minute! Oh, and Fangirl - that book makes me want to go back to uni to study creative writing, please!
    I've never read The Enchanted, but it sounds amazing, so I'm adding it to my TBR right now. Thank you for the recommendations, Theresa!
    Beth x

    1. The Enchanted is a beautifully written book. It is a really slow book, but it so interesting and unique. I hope you give it a try!! :) Laini Taylor needs to write another book. She is just fantastic! These are all in my favorites list. I love creative writing! It is so important in a good book.

  9. Oh, man, I definitely agree with Brandon Sanderson's name on this list. I would legitimately give everything to learn how he does it. He writes so simply and yet, every word has so much weight, and it really does make you feel that there is something grander behind everthing. This is basically what I felt while reading his Stormlight Archive, as if something epic was going to happen. I just love his writing, seriously. Have you read Way of Kings yet? That series is such a force to reckon with and his best work so far in my opinion!

    Faye at The Social Potato

    1. I completely agree with you! He is absolutely so amazing at writing. I have not read Way of Kings, yet! :) I hope to eventually read all his amazing books. I have only read The Mistborn Trilogy. I need to read more. I cannot believe it gets better than Mistborn. How does he do it?!? :)

  10. Omgggg you like listed SO MANY of my ultimate favourite books. *hugs the Book Thief* I was a bad bookworm and saw the movie first but I still love the book EVER SO MUCH IT'S JUST INCREDIBLE! *flails* And I love Fangirl and We Were Liars and Mistborn and TW&TD (although did you know it's not Renne Aediah's debut?! She's written an adult book before this!) and oh oh Jandy Nelson too. <3 And I cannot get over how beautiful Laini Taylor's books are. JUST AMAZINGNESS.

    1. The Book Thief is just so special!!! :) It will always hold a special place in my heart. I loved the characters and the story so much and the movie is incredible! I had NO idea that Renee Aediah wrote another book! I had never heard of her before The Wrath and the Dawn. Thanks for letting me know!! This post encompasses so many of my favorite books. I could gush over them for days!!
