Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Top Ten Books I've Read So Far In 2015

Top 10 Tuesday is a weekly bookish feature hosted by 

Today's Topic:  Top Ten Books I've Read So Far in 2015 

Hi Everyone! Thanks for visiting today! 
I have read 26 books so far this year. I really do not feel like I have a strong top ten list. So, I decided to go with my top five. This made it really easy and it also let's these amazing books shine!
Let's get started!

This book has my favorite contemporary couples of all time. Lola is so unique and talented. I just loved everything about her. I wish I had more of Lola's style and personality. And Cricket! He was perfect! I loved his dedication to his family and how much he adored Lola. This is my idea of a perfect love story!

If you love high fantasy this series is phenomenal! It is insane! There are so many twists and turns. Brandon Sanderson's writing just blew me away. I feel so privileged to have read this series. It is worth every page!

This book was incredible! It was heartbreaking and beautiful. This book has impacted me so much and I am forever changed after reading this book. Click here for my full review on this book.

I cannot explain how much I love this book. I thought this book was one of the most epic stories I have ever read! There was so much growth for the characters, the world and the story. The story just EXPLODED. If you have only read the first book in this series and you were not motivated to continue, please try the second book.  The first book is just the foundation for this incredible series. The story goes so much more deeper. If I could only read one series for the rest of my life, this would be it! Sorry, Harry. You know I still love you!

This is truly a powerful and unforgettable story! I adore this book so much! I did not love it right away. I was worried that I was not going to like it, but I fell in love with the characters and became so invested in the story. Read it. The writing takes some time to get use to. Do not give up. Somewhere along the way the author will grab hold of your heart and never let it go. Click here for my review on it. 

If you have read these books, I would love to hear your thoughts about them! Are they on your list? What are some of your favorite books of 2015?

Happy Reading!! :)

Saturday, June 27, 2015

The Emoji Book Tag

This is one of my favorite book tags! I am so excited to do this tag and if you have done this tag, please link it below, I would love to see your answers to this tag. 

This book tag was created by the following Book Tubers:

For this book tag, you are supposed to pick your top five emojis you use the most and choose a book that goes with that emoji.

Let's just get started!!  


I use this emoji when something brings a smile to my face. This book always puts a smile on my face. This book was such a happy, lovely book. It has a very special place in my heart. 


These are some of my favorite kind of books! I love books that you did not see coming. I love questioning what I thought was true in a story. These books are magical to me. I usually do not see things coming, but I love when I am in complete awe of the story. Of course, I could not narrow my choices on this one. I could have easily had a top ten!


I love books that spark real emotions. I know that I truly love a book when it has made me cry. I am not talking about shedding one tear. I am talking about "face a mess" crying! 


I know technically this is the flushed or blushing emoji, but I do not use it for that purpose. This is the emoji I use when I am thinking "what just happened...". I use this when I do not know what to say and have that glassed-over look across my face. This book. I still do not know how I feel about it. I actually did not finish this one. I had about 100 pages left, out of 602. I actually really loved the first half of this novel. It just became too weird for me and not in a good way. This one left me confused and speechless. 


This is probably my most used emoji. Whenever I truly adore something this is the emoji I use. I adore all of these books and they hold a very special place in my heart. If you have not read these ones, I highly recommend them!

Thanks for visiting today! Have you read any of these books? Do you have the same emotions about them?

Happy Reading!! 

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Coffee Book Tag

I hope everyone is having an awesome day! Today I am going to be doing the Coffee Book Tag. I first saw this on BookTube and I thought it would be a lot of fun! Each question is inspired by different coffee drinks. I love coffee and books! So, this one is definitely for me!

The original tag was created by Book Tuber: 

Question 1:
Name a series that's tough to get into but has hardcore fans.

The first series that I thought of was The Song of Ice and Fire. I have read all of the books so far in the series and I have watched some of the TV series. I did not have a hard time getting into this series. I know it is a little intimidating but it is so worth the time and dedication. 

Question 2:
Peppermint Mocha
Name a book that gets more popular during the winter or a festive time of year.

I have to go with the very obvious and most popular answer: The Harry Potter Series. Christmas is a very magical time of year and I love spending this time with family. Harry Potter has a lot of family and friendship themes and it is the most magical book series of all-time! There are so many great scenes during Christmas time in the books that just bring a smile to my face. 

Question 3:
Hot Chocolate
What is your favorite children's book?

Okay- I did not read this series as a child. I have not read the entire series but it is on my list!

Question 4:
Double Shot of Espresso
Name a book that kept you on the edge of your seat from start to finish.

This book is unbelievable! It is so action-packed and the characters develop so much in this book! In a lot of series, the second book is a flop or just okay, not this series! This one is amazing! They are outstanding and I love how the plot and story just grows and becomes bigger. 

Question 5:
Name a book you see everywhere. 

 I cannot believe this series is going to be concluding this year. It seems like everywhere I go, I see it! It is definitely getting a lot of buzz from the blogging community and Book Tube. It's on the shelf at every book store. If you have not started this series you need to get started. NOW! Trust me. It is amazing!

Question 6: 
That Hipster Coffee Shop
Give a book by an Indie Author a shoutout.

I love Susan Ee. This series is one of my 'guilty pleasures'. It is not the most amazing piece of fiction I have ever read but it such a quick, fun read! This series is very action-packed and the story is awesome! I have not read the final book in the series and I am dying to know how it concludes. 

Question 7:
Oops! I accidentally got decaf
Name a book you were exceptions more from.

I had extremely high expectations for this book. It was beautifully written and I really liked the idea of this book. I just had a hard time connecting with the characters. I was not hooked on this one and really wanted to be blown away and it just fell a bit flat for me. 

Question 8:
The Perfect Blend
Name a book or series that was both bitter and sweet but ultimately satisfying. 

I could have picked a lot of books for this one. I have read a lot of books that fit well with this answer. I decided I had to go with this one. I loved the final book in this epic story. There are definitely some "hits and misses" in this series. This one is spectacular! It was so suspenseful and I loved all the connections to her other series, The Infernal Devices. 

Thanks for visiting today! Let me know if you have done this tag! I would love to see your answers. 
Happy Reading!!

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday ~ My Ten Favorite Top Ten Topics

 So, I accidentally published the wrong Top Ten last week. I was so busy that day that I did not even notice until Wednesday when I was reading everyone else's TTT. So, let's try this again! 

Top 10 Tuesday is a weekly bookish feature hosted by The Broke and The Bookish.

Today's Topic:  My Ten Favorite Top Ten Topics Ever Done In The Past 5 Years

Hi Everyone! I hope you are having a fantastic day! Today's Top Ten Tuesday is in honor of The Broke and the Bookish 5 year anniversary. This week's topic is top ten favorite topics they have done in the past five years. I am very new to book blogging and the community and I have only done a handful of TTT topics. So, I decided to pick my top three! Let's get started!!

You can click on the title of each Top Ten Tuesday to see the original post!


This was my very first Top Ten Tuesday and my third post for my blog. I look forward to doing TTT every week and I love seeing everyone's responses to the topic. 


I loved this topic! I absolutely adore beautiful, meaningful, and powerful words. It is what I love most about reading. Words inspire me and make me fall in love with the characters and the story. I could have easily picked a top 20!


This topic was Top Ten Books Which Feature Characters Who _____ (are musically inclined, have lost someone, have depression, who grow up poor, etc.) I decided to go with characters that I love to hate. I have so many villains that I love and  I really wanted to feature them in this topic. 

Thank you so much for visiting! We will see everyone very soon!! Happy Reading!

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children By Ransom Riggs ~ Book Review

Title: Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children

Author: Ransom Riggs

Pages: 352, hardcover 

Published: June 7, 2011

Goodreads Summary:

A mysterious island. An abandoned orphanage. A strange collection of curious photographs.

A horrific family tragedy sets sixteen-year-old Jacob journeying to a remote island off the coast of Wales, where he discovers the crumbling ruins of Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children. As Jacob explores its abandoned bedrooms and hallways, it becomes clear that the children were more than just peculiar. They may have been dangerous. They may have been quarantined on a deserted island for good reason. And somehow—impossible though it seems—they may still be alive.


I usually do not like scary books and I usually avoid them. I love old, vintage photographs and I really wanted to see how Ransom Riggs used them to create a story. My husband has read this book and he told me it was not that scary and he thought I would enjoy it. So I decided to give it a try and I really did like it. I did not think it was scary. It is mysterious, a little creepy, but not scary. I am very excited to pick up the second book. 
This book drew me in right from the beginning. A lot of people say the beginning is slow, but I really liked the suspense and mystery at the beginning. It is very unique and the story was new and refreshing. I liked the writing style very much. It reads a lot like a movie!  I did have a few problems with the book which I will go into later, but even with those I think it is worth picking up. 

Things I Liked About This Book:

  • I really liked the characters! They were all very unique and special. This book really felt like a foundation for the story and characters.
  • The 'abilities' that the characters have in this story are really interesting.
  • The story and plot was very intriguing and unique.
  • I am very excited to see where this story is going next! It leaves on a great cliff hanger. 
  • I loved all the interesting, vintage photographs.
  • It is going to make a really great movie! (release date: March 2015)
Things That I Did NOT Love About This Book:
  • I did NOT like the "romance" in this book. If you have read it, you know why. I do not want to spoil anyone. I just found it a little strange and awkward. Maybe if it was developed more, I would have given it a chance. 
  • I thought the character development was a little lacking in the book. I think we will learn more in the second book about the characters. I thought some of the photos were unnecessary. Some of them felt disconnected to the story.
  • I have so many questions!! I felt confused at times. I felt like I was not grasping some of the elements in the story. I am going to have to find some discussions and see if I can find some answers to my questions. 
Goodreads Rating:
 3.5 Stars :)

Thanks for visiting! Have you read this book? Do you plan to read it? I would love to hear your thoughts! 

Happy Reading!!

Friday, June 19, 2015

Unpopular Opinions Book Tag

I saw this tag over at Rebel Mommy Book Blog and it looked liked a lot of fun! 

The original tag was created by The Book Archer

So let's get started!!

A Popular Book or Series That You Didn't Like

Okay- I have only read the first book in this series and I just was not blown away by it. I think the hype might have ruined it for me. I had very high expectations for it and they were not met. I do plan to give this series another try. I do REALLY like Tahereh Mafi. She seems like an amazing person. I also enjoy her writing style. I really want to give it another chance and I hear the second installment is much better. 

A Popular Book or Series 
That Everyone Else Seems To Hate But You Love 

I rarely hear people rave about this series. I know it far from perfect, but I LOVED the first book in this series. I think it is pure genius. There are so many elements in this book that I thought were amazing. It does have a little bit of insta-love in it. The world building is great and well thought out. I also enjoyed the rest of the series.  

A Love Triangle Where The Main Character Ended Up With The Person 
You Did NOT Want Them To End Up With

Yes. I was disappointed, but not surprised. I know there is not a strong love triangle in this book, but I was extremely disappointed in the outcome. 

 A Popular Book Genre That You Hardly Reach For

I hardly ever reach for thrillers or horror novels. I do enjoy a good psychological thriller. I just do not enjoy really dark or scary books. 

A Popular or Beloved Character That You Do Not Like

Under The Never Sky 
by Veronica Rossi

Aria. She annoyed me and she fell a little flat for me. I liked a lot of the other characters in this series, but Aria just did not make the cut for me. 

A Popular Author 
That You Can't Seem To Get Into

I was extremely disappointed with the third book in the series. It seemed like a repeat of the second book, especially as far the dialogue and flow of the story went. I did not finish this series. I still would like to give this author another chance. The Leviathan series does interest me and I do own the first book in that series.   

A Popular Book Trope That You Are Tired of Seeing
(ex. lost princess, corrupt ruler, love triangles, etc.) 

Definitey insta-love. I know it is a book and things have to move faster than reality. But I hate when characters fall in love with no reason or events that bring them to that point. When it is just 'because', it gets annoying. 

A Popular Series 
That You Have No Interest In Reading

I feel like there are so many series out there like this one. 
 My interest and taste are constantly changing. Sometimes I might read a review that changes my perspective and opens up a closed door. But at the time I have no interest in reading this series. 

The Saying Goes "The Book Is Always Better Than The Movie",
 But What Movie or TV Show Adaptation Do You Prefer More Than The Book?

To be perfectly honest- I have not read this book. I watched the movie first and I know my heart could not handle this book. It was heart-wretching and I think of this movie A LOT. It was by far the most devastating movie I have ever watched. It was extremely well done but the story killed me. I have never cried so hard and so long for any movie. Just thinking of it now, gives me the chills and I could easily start crying. Books definitely stick with me more so I know I could NOT handle reading this book. That is why I prefer the movie to the book. 

Thanks for visiting! If you have done this tag or plan to do it, I would to hear your answers too! 
Happy Reading!!